Monday, 14 September 2009

10th September

I am a bit of a list and storage woman, and like to think of myself as being fairly organised. Ages ago when I bought Megan's uniform I bought a pen and labels to mark it with. Well, the day before she starts nursery, and I couldn't find them anywhere! I realised that although I may have been organised in buying them, if I'd gone to label the uniform earlier than the day before, I might have realised I couldn't find them and saved the last minute stress!

9th September

I was feeling really stressed out, was in between 2 night shifts and had only had 3 hours sleep in 2 days, the girls were being really hard work and I was shattered and getting worked up, and my husband walked in from work. I'm so grateful for the way he can calm me down and helps me! Not a new revelation, but important to focus on every now and then.

8th September

Much as I love her, Megan is quite high maintenance, and rather unpredictable in whether she's going to behave well or have a freak out! Her two new teachers came to the house for a visit before she started pre-school, and she proved to me that when it suits her, she can behave impeccably! From the minute they walked through the door she was sweet as a nut, chatting away like they were her best friends.

And when they left, I breathed a sigh of relief :-)

7th September

When Maisie woke up this day she has really swollen lips, which was a bit scary. The first thing I did (after giving her Piriton!) was ring my mum, and it made me think that I'll never be too old to ring my mum. I know she's busy, but she's there for us in moments of stress, joy, and for a chat. I love her!

6th September

The message at church on Sunday 6th was all about God's grace for today and holding onto His promises. The photo is of some 7 Gypsies chipboard frames I've been altering with different verses on to encourage me through the day.

Actually, the lesson was even stronger the next day when I thought we were going to lose £300 a month, and I had to remember to pray before panicking! God is faithful, though, and He has provided again (as He always does :-) ). If only I'd be quicker at learning this lesson!

5th September

Well I am a few days behind with scrapping, but even more behind with blogging! So whilst the girls are being fairly quiet (thank goodness for sunny garden days!), I thought I'd add a few layouts.

5th September was a bad day in work - I didn't get to eat until very late, by which time the canteen was shut, and when I went to the fridge for my emergency snacks they'd gone! Not happy times, a painful lesson to learn for a pregnant woman! `

Saturday, 5 September 2009

4th September

Ha ha! Took Maisie for a hearing test at the hospital, and about 2 minutes before we were due to go in for her appointment smelt that smell...only I'd forgotten to take a clean nappy with us! You'd think after 3 1/2 years of motherhood I'd be prepared!

3rd September

It was one of those days where one minute your family is driving you bananas, then the next minute they do something really lush! My little sister came over to look after my girls for me, and I was watching them play with her and loving the bond my girls have with my siblings.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

2nd September

Breakfast is normally a rushed piece of toast on the go. Today I indulged in a boiled egg (done perfectly thanks to my amazing egg timer with 3 choices of 'doneness'), and yummy buttery hot toast. And I decided it was the most comforting food to eat, and a good way to start the day (maybe that was what was missing yesterday?!).

Sept 1st

The day didn't start well...too early, for a start! Husband had to be at work early, which meant I had to come round quickly and be up with the girls before 7 (not too good at that in my pregnant sleepless nights state!). The girls were hyper and trashed the house, there was the world's biggest spider in the settee which I had to remove...I couldn't get the photo of the sun through the trees that I wanted. Generally, I was feeling pretty grumpy, and then at some point in the day, I had a word with myself, read the verse that I scrapped the other day, and decided to cheer up.

And, surprise, surprise, by the end of the day, I realised it wasn't so bad. And that the way a day begins doesn't dictate how it ends.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Book Cover

Feeling unspired recently I decided to pretty much completely scraplift Shimelle's cover, except that I split the elements between an acetate layer and a recycled corrugated card layer. Feeling a little more inspired now, I might actually come up with my own design for the pages!

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Learn Something New Every Day

It's the start of a new month, one that's going to be a bit weird I think. Megan starts pre-school this month, so I'll be trying to figure out how to fit that in as well as the normal childcare headache! It feels like a new season, new start, but at the same time some things are in limbo...I'm 24 weeks pregnant, and have already started the whole physio/pelvis trouble scenario. I'm trying to enjoy it more this time, and not spend the next few months wishing it was over, but I'll be glad when it is!

So, to help my lack of crafty inspiration this year, to help time to go a bit faster, and just to keep myself a bit focussed, I've joined Shimelle's Learn Something New Every Day online class.

I've already made my cover, although I decided to start small and basically copied Shimelle's design. I quite often find if I copy something it helps me get back in the flow and I start getting my own ideas again, lol!

Anyway, I'll be back later with some things I've learned today!